It's the hardest decision you have to make.

The news breaks your heart.
Your #bff, the who loves you unconditionally, is nearing the end of his journey.
It’s hard to see and hear him in pain.
You want a cure, a way to keep her here with you longer.
You and your veterinary team will do whatever you can….
But in time, well, you know…and your animal friend knows.
It’s hard to face what’s coming.
But there are things you can do to make your final journey together loving and meaningful.
As an End-of-Life Doula for companion animals Dr. Laurie can offer both  of you unconditional kindness and respect as you make difficult but compassionate decisions to relieve your pet’s suffering.
She can be present via Zoom to share Reiki with you and your best friend at any point, including your last day together.
Yes, you will grieve but when the time comes you can say goodbye with a heartful of gratitude for this special time together.

Just as every animal is unique, so is their final journey.

1. Animals know… 

2.They often find ways of letting US know they know. (About two months before his death from cancer and heart failure, Bogart the Reiki cat appeared in dreams to three of Dr. Laurie’s friends. He asked them to please help her get ready for him to leave. A few weeks before he passed, he appeared to her in a dream with the same message.)

3. They are often worried about leaving us.   (During a distant Reiki session, Garfield told Dr. Laurie that he was worried about how his person would grieve after he left. He said that his plan was to “face death like my feline ancestors, without fear.”)

4.  The good news:  Love never dies.   The love you share is indestructible. The soul connection we have with our animals is truly a forever bond.

5. Meditating together can bring you closer.  It creates a safe energetic environment for the two of you to feel connected and loved.

6.  Creating a vision board for social media or a scrapbook to preserve beautiful times.

7.  Dr. Laurie can offer suggestions for a goodbye ceremony that honors your relationship and a spiritual ceremony for helping your animal cross safely to the other side.

Dying Pet’s Bill of Rights

1) The right to be treated as a living sentient being until death.

2) The right to be cared for by caring, sensitive, knowledgeable human beings who will attempt to understand the needs of the dying; beings who will find merit in helping a soul in animal form to die with peace and dignity.

3) The right to be free from pain.

4) The right to receive prayer and Reiki. In the Let Animals Lead ™ school of Reiki, we invite the animal’s soul to communicate and ask if he/she/they would like to receive Reiki which is sent as a gentle lake of tranquility and healing.

5) The right to refuse prayer and Reiki. (Some animals do not want healing from an external source. We do not “send energy” without the animal’s permission.)

6) The right to receive comfort care and to die with peace and dignity.

7) The right to be held with kindness before one’s death.

8) The right to expect that the sanctity of one’s physical body will be respected after death.

Prayer of a Buddhist healer

“May I be medicine for those who are sick,
  a partner for those who are lonely,
  a bridge for those who need to cross over,
  and a light for the blind.”